It’s all YOUR fault!

Here we have the assault squad finals, created with feedback by all of you. Changes from the originals: Widened stance on one of the leg sets. Ankle armor to better ground the mini Complete rework of the grenade launcher. Addition of a squad leader’s sword. Addition of an optional shield. Taking feedback and making changes to these, took me in directions I would never have gone by myself. The vote for the grenade launcher was pretty much unanimous, as a lover of auto-feed weapons; the cylinder design was not an avenue I would have ever explored. The sword design was so close that I needed to make the call, #1 and #2 were tied, so I stayed with what I had. The only acceptation was the addition of a squad commander’s sword to set him apart from his squad. I would never have mated these with a shield but the folks on Dakka were pretty persistent and I am happy to oblige. This addition raised some interesting problems as the figures were not originally designed for the us...