Fuck no, stream.

I kind of like starting early on Thursdays.

Now, I know I said that I would be working on jobs for the foreseeable future on Thursdays, but honestly, the Call Girl job is threatening my sanity at this point. So instead, today we get All Request Thursday.

(Disclaimer: All Request Thursday means Anonymous Man will be working on requested material, not that he'll be taking requests. Please do not make requests of what he should work on, he will ignore you.)

So let's get this shitshow started.

Things were going swimmingly until my graphics card fan (a source of endless frustration) died. And I don't mean it's not working right, I mean it's dead. No revival here.

I'm going to see if I can get another fan sometime today, but lacking transport as I do, it won't be for quite some time. Extremely annoying.

I'll probably stream later tonight, and finish up the work I started before posting a new version. Sorry about the technical problems...


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