Re: New Jewelry and Bug Reports

Just an FYI, the new jewelry only shows up after you get the applicable piercing. So if you want the new gold/diamond upper ear studs, you need to have an upper ear piercing. I'm not sure if this is going to be a permanent thing, but it works for now.

Also, if you've reported a bug in the last few weeks and you haven't seen it get fixed yet, please leave a comment in this post. Hell, if you find a bug in the current version, leave a comment here. When leaving a comment, please be a precise as possible. For example, if it's a bug regarding a certain piece of clothing, I need to know the circumstances involved in reproducing the bug: what else you were wearing, where you where, what you were doing, etc. If I get bug reports and I can't actually reproduce them, I tend to write them off, so letting me know what steps to take to specifically reproduce the error is extremely helpful.

Tomorrow is likely going to involve an hour or so of bug-crushed, depending on how many bug reports I get. I want to stomp them out as much as possible, and I'll be focusing specifically on this comment thread, so your help is appreciated.


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