Update 2/29 And Requested Features

There were a couple of bugs in the last version (2/28) that were preventing the new stuff from working properly. I fixed those.

I also updated the Import/Export command to (hopefully) import and export sex and normal traits. It honestly should have been doing that before, but I think there was a bit of a glitch with Futanari. It also looks like it wasn't adding to the Sexual Traits list. So I fixed that too.

Also, because I like you people and I know you don't like low probability stuff, for this update only, if the inflatable dildo malfunctions, you will be specifically asked if you want to initiate the sex doll bad end. If you do, say yes and you'll be locked into it as if you hit that 1% probability. Say no to go about your business and move along.

Finally, I updated the Requested Features page. Can you believe that I only got two requests in the last two weeks? Wow. Not that I'm complaining, it means I get a good opportunity to catch up on things I've had pending. As always, if you don't see your request on the page, please let me know so I can update it.

2/29 Download link here.


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