Stream Time: Writing Edition!

Well, I may be sick as a dog, but I have work to do, so let's get to it.

You may also have noticed a new page: Event Submissions at the top. It has guidelines for writing scenes, as people have asked and I haven't actually bothered putting it into words yet. Well, now I have.

If you have questions about writing a specific scene, ask me. I'm usually on Skype and I always read my email. And adding scenes isn't terribly difficult, it's the writing that slows me down.

Anyway, time for coding. On tap for today...I dunno. I think it's going to be the Busker side-job.

Surprisingly, I got almost all of the Busker side job done today. And even started on some stuff for Crime and Punishment. Also known as sweeeeeet.

I'll be answered emails later. Sorry about the delay, I'm bad at email.


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