Update 11/25 And Donations

Look, an update!

Major Updates
- Britney's first interaction has been added to the second mission (note: the second mission has TWO possibilities, depending on whether or not you managed to successfully seduce the blonde girl in the intro. If you skip the intro, you DO NOT get credit for seducing her) Currently, I'm working on the "blonde girl" leg of the second mission, so if you don't meet the conditions (if you get the mission to kidnap someone), then you won't meet Britney.
  Also of note: Britney is currently planned to be "relationship lite", so when she's done, you'll be able to see some of the features that will be in the relationship system (not yet though).

Minor Updates
- Shuffled some stuff around behind the scenes to streamline a couple of things.

Bug Fixes
- Styles now properly apply when you leave the house without shoes on: the game will put the shoes on first, and then check for style requirements.

Donations have been slacking off a little lately, which I imagine is due to the fact that my schedule was all boned for the last three weeks, but hey, I understand. In an attempt to get donations going again, let's have a random donation encouragement day, shamelessly stolen from Fenoxo.

  • Every $10 or $15 entitles you to one hour of Anonymous Man working on a ‘thing’ of your choice.

  • If you’re donating towards something I’ve already started on or wanted to do, it’s $10/hr.

  • If you’re donating towards something relatively brand-new it’s $15/hr.

  • The ‘thing’ your donating towards cannot be uber-specific, and I have the right to reject (with a refund) or adjust any specifics to fit within the game world.

  • Max 8 hours of work per person.

  • Note that, because of the way I work, the amount of time I'll be working on something is kind of nebulous, but the donation amount will be for the MINIMUM amount of work I'll be putting into it. For something simple (new hairstyle, new style, new clothes, etc), an hour is usually more than enough. Something complicated (new location, new person), it'll take quite a bit longer.

    Not sure how much you should be donating towards something? Contact me, either via email, on the stream, or via Skype. Contact details on the right-hand side.


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