
Got to get this update out, so I can get on to the next thing!

I counted up my pages of notes today, something I never really bothered to do, but I had a brain fart today and couldn't think of anything else to do while waiting for it to clear (I do keep track of my mechanical pencil usage, which today resulted in the death of pencil #10). As it turns out, I have 368 pages of notes for this game, over 3 notebooks (2 and 1/2 so far, anyway). a lot of notes.

Today's notes mostly revolved around the coding specifics of the various transformation changes, which is ten pages, brainstorming for new main plot and side plot content (things like the church nuns, or the mermaid at the beach), and figuring out the specifics of what happens when a werewolf player meets the werewolf random encounter while out and about.

Also came up with a few new items. Someone pointed out that there's no items to reduce lip and hip size, so I had to come up with those (minty lip gloss and keggles DVD, respectively). Someone in the comments mentioned that the werewolf event is so random that it's hard to trigger, so I had to come up with an item that would guarantee the event happening (Wolf Claw Necklace, costs between $250 and $450, I haven't decided yet). And even after all this, I still haven't figured out a way to trigger the Doggirl TF (Energy drinks: makes a single home exercise action take a full time block, but you get twice the benefits, adds to Dog TF).

Suffice to say, despite the fact that I'm not coding all that much lately (life is busy, and when I'm not busy, I usually have other things I want to do), I haven't been sitting on my ass here. Work work work.


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