Update 10/20 + The Challenge

Done for the day. I like these long days. I get a lot done.

So here's the details on the challenge. You'll notice that the donation button has been changed to a new goal of $500. If I manage to reach that goal before the end of the year (as it represents the remainder of the donations for the year anyway), then I will reward the intarwebs with a 12 hour stream of coding, date to be determined.

Now here's where it starts to get crazy.

If I managed to reach double the goal, $1000, before the end of the year, I will reward the intarwebs with a 12 hour stream, and a twenty-four hour continuous stream (date to be determined). That is, I will start at 8 or 9 in the morning, and go until 8 or 9 the following morning. I can't guarantee it'll all be coding, but I will stream the whole time, non-stop (the stream will continue while I eat and such).

In addition, normal donation incentives remain in place. So if you donate, you get to request something to be added to the game.

And finally, if I reach the $1000 goal, I'll donate 1/5 or 1/4 (depending on personal financial situation) to charity, most likely Penny Arcade's Child's Play.

So it's a crazy fucking idea, but with your help, I'll record myself going slowly crazy in a livestream.

Note: For anyone that's hesitant to donate because they are worried about my health, I would like to be clear that I am volunteering for this, and if it gets to the point during the stream that I or the viewers get worried about my well-being, I will take necessary precautions. So don't worry about me.

Additional Note: I'm trying to get Fenoxo to do this with me, because I think it would be funny as hell, plus more money for charity. If I can get in contact with Xadera and Nuku Valente, I'll try to convince them too. If you know someone working on a game that may be interested, point them my way and we'll see what they say. Imagine four, six or ten game developers all working for 12 to 24 hours straight on the games you love, while going nuts. How funny would that be?

Major Updates
- Hooker job (male clients) complete, and some female client stuff implemented.

Minor Updates
- Set Arousal to 50% is available on the testing item again.
- After working out at home only (so the yoga mat, weight kit, and treadmill) you will not automatically shower. Any activity that takes you out of the apartment (jogging, gym, dojo), as long as you don't have the slob trait, you will automatically shower.
- Treadmill, Yoga, Weight Kit, Gym and Dojo now have requirements for appropriate clothing and underwear. Specifically, if your breasts are too big (size requirement dependent on activity), then you will not get the full benefit of the workout and likely have to deal with an arousal increase. Sports bras, people. They are your friend. Some activities simply cannot be performed if your breasts are ridiculously big.
- More breast sizes implemented. Now, grow your breasts all the way up to K!
- Weight and Fitness are now intrinsically linked: if you are too fat, your maximum fitness is limited. This won't be a big deal to most people, as becoming fit lowers your weight anyway.

Bug Fixes
- Fixed underwear, so it should be properly wearable when you're not having your period.
- Adjusted inhuman pregnancy to reset your period when you give birth to whatever it is you're carrying.
- All jewelry now goes into the jewelry holding object properly.
- The bulletin board now shows the proper requirements for job promotion (forgot to adjust them when I decoupled fitness and weight).
- No need to worry about shoes when jogging: because it's not traveling to a new location, the game will no longer bother with checking your footwear. Which will also fix the problem of the game sending you to the bathroom wearing shoes.
- The error that was causing problems with the Hooker blowjob has been fixed.


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