Update 10/13

Wow, that was long. I might do that again next week, though, as I feel I got a lot of stuff done. I mean, look at this changelog!

Major Updates
- The bulletin board now shows your performance towards the next promotion when you're an exotic/private dancer.
- New Jobs! Hooker and Nude Model are now actually available as job promotions from the exotic and private dancer jobs (note: Nude Model is only available via Private Dancer). However, despite my best efforts, Nude Model is not implemented, so DO NOT take the job if you want to continue the game. Also, Hooker only has one type of interaction available for now. I'm simply too tired after 6 hours of coding to get it done. I'll try and finish/add to it tomorrow.

Minor Updates
- Tweak: when you elect to go jogging without wearing the appropriate clothes, you'll get a message stating that you put your sweatsuit on before you go jogging. This does not affect the Get Dressed command (the game will still remember the last outfit you wore willingly).
- You can no longer fight at the fight club if you're too pregnant (8 weeks for normal pregnancy, 1 week for inhuman).
- New Interaction: beach girls at the beach. Random (20%) chance of showing up.
- Tweak: Slut and Nymphomaniac now take longer to acquire.

Bug Fixes
- You should now have your swimsuit taken off and your clothes properly reapplied when you go home from the beach.
- Jogging now properly resets at the end of each day.
- Suntan lotion is available in the convenience store (whoops).
- Latex Keyhole Dress will now only use the "get dressed" command once instead of twice.
- When you go to the beach, your clothes will no longer appear in the locker at the strip club, instead remaining in your inventory.
- Clothes that remain in your inventory at the beach will have the "Wear" command deactivated, so that you can only wear the swimsuit until you return home.
- After the first day of being too pregnant to work at the strip club, you can now go back to work properly.

Known Problems
- The suntan lotion doesn't work properly. Somehow the check got changed from making sure it's in the cabinet to something else. Will be fixed in the next build.
- Swimsuits don't remove properly when you leave the beach. The check to remove the swimsuits got moved down to after the check to get dressed somehow. Have I mentioned that RAGS is weird?


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