Update 10/11

I forgot to rename the file, so it's still 10/10. So...ignore that? Or delete your current 10/10 version.

Major Updates
- Two new commands at the front door: Go For A Walk and Go Jogging. Both have a heightened chance of random events, and both are also good for fitness building (go for a walk will only build fitness to 40, though). Induce Luck does affect your chances of random events with these, as well.
- One new fight club fighter, Bullet.

Minor Updates
- Tweaked Lactation. It takes a lot longer to get milky breasts now. Blame the people in the stream.
- Tweaked Fitness. It now acts more like a regular skill, in that it starts at 0 and builds to 100. However, unlike skills, it can go down, so you have to maintain it.

Bug Fixes
- The purple hair dye is now in the pharmacy (whoops).

I started work on a new location, but unfortunately, didn't have the time to finish it. Hopefully, you'll be able to get there tomorrow.


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