Requested Features and Clarifications

I've updated the requested features page. New requests are underlined. Note that, while I still have requests outstanding from the last update, that doesn't mean they're not getting in the game. I generally wait until I'm working on the point at which they would be added to work on them.

As for clarifications, the new Style system is not for hair. That'll be tomorrow. The style system is basically a bonus system if you manage to get your looks to match a particular style. The current styles available are Tomboy, Party Girl, Femme Fatale, Goth and Bimbo, and I'll be adding more as I think of them (or they're suggested). But you need to meet the "tolerances". For example, goths wear black; if you're not wearing black, you're not going to get the Goth style. But there are other requirements as well. I'll put in the hint system before too long.


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