Update 9/6

The game will say 9/3 because I'm freaking stupid, but it's actually version 9/6.

Major Additions
- Succubus and Cat transformations are available. They are (currently) cosmetic only. To initiate, talk to the drug dealer and take the herbal pill (succubus) or the pink pill (cat), or, when you have the option of stealing from the lab, take the weird painting (succubus, look at it once a day) or the Egyptian statue (cat, just having it is enough).

Minor Additions
- There's a new magic shop in the mall, but you have to have some talent (read: you have to have the magic skill) to get there.
- The "big breasts" ending has been disabled while I work on another effect.

Bug Fixes
- You can now call Maria if you successfully steal the strange artifact.
- Stealing objects from the lab will now properly place them around your apartment and make them sellable when you return home.
- You can no longer hide in the laboratory storage room if you've already dealt with the guard.
- The guard will now react appropriately to you if you use your feminine wiles and fail.
- Victor (the security guard at the bar) will not suddenly forget your name and ask your for it again: he really won't know it until you tell him.
- Running from the lab without the strange artifact will allow you to try again. In most cases.

- Taking the aphrodesiac from the drug dealer carries a small risk of addiction. If you become addicted, then your arousal will be stuck at 80 until you recover from withdrawal (which takes a few days). In previous versions, it would not properly reset your minimum arousal, but that's fixed in this version. Note that the cooling drink has a similar, but not quite as extreme, withdrawal symptom.

Future Plans
- Smoking will be changed from an unremovable trait to an addiction, like other drugs, so that you can avoid the problems of not smoking by...not smoking for a while. The more you smoke, though, the tougher the addiction will be to overcome.


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