Gluh, Coursework Sucks

So I just finished another term of school. Only...four and a half more to go (maybe) before I get my degree and have to start paying back by student loan (ohgodohgod). Hey, did you know that NOT having the textbook for a course that relies heavily on the textbook makes that course really difficult?

Sorry about being out of touch for a while, but between worrying about schoolwork (and not actually DOING anything about it) and some other stuff that's happening Chez AnonymousFamily, it's been a little busy and tiring.

In any event, I am aware of the bugs that are still existent in the game, and will work on fixing them in the next few days. Hopefully, that'll stamp them out and I can get on with more actual content. Not sure when exactly I'll get a chance to do that, though, as my work schedule for this week has been extended, which is good for money purposes, bad for anything-else purposes. We'll see how it goes.


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