Nun Brothels? We gots 'em.

Yes, we're still on nuns and their sexual proclivities. Considering I have about forty pages of shit related to this damn place, I got to work on it.

Here some more stuff on the brothel:

In addition to managing the convent-cum-brothel, you have to manage the girls as well. They all have their own idea of how the brothel should be run (generally along one of the three paths), and while they'll like the upgrades related to those paths, they won't be pleased if you choose other upgrades. While you obviously can't cater to everyone's needs (there's two girls that hate each upgrade path), you have to figure out how to keep them happy, whether that's sacrificing some profit to give to the girl, or devoting some of your personal time to keeping her happy, since all six girls like when they get personal attention.

Of course, if you spend too much consecutive time with one girl, the others will get jealous.

Top that off with the fact that the girls aren't machines, and will get tired, and you have a bunch of time-management issues here. That being said, the goal is to make it as easy to manage as possible, so it shouldn't be cumbersome. But again, there's no promotions here, so it almost has to be more complicated.

You can also train the girls in different fetishes (which counts as personal time, FYI), which will take a while. When they finish training, they provide a boost to your profit when they work, but you can keep training them. If they get to level 2, they get another bonus, and if they get to level 3, they get a third bonus (usually a bonus to upgrade funds). But each girl will have a base fetish (that can be trained, but can't be removed) and a synergistic fetish that, if they train in it, gives them the bonus and makes them more happy, but you can't retrain the second fetish anymore.

So all this dicking around with training and happiness and money, eventually you're going to get someone pissed at you. If a girl's happiness reaches zero (and there'll be notifications), she'll leave. Which sounds great - you just got rid of someone that was dragging down your business - until you find out that they continue to drag down your business: the calculations for various things will always use all six girls, even if some of them aren't working for you, and a girl that's left is considered a zero for every check.

But it's still going to be hard to keep everyone happy, right? What's a frustrated and possibly evil brothel madam to do? Why, enslave your workers, of course. Buying a particular upgrade will give you the option of dominating your girls, one at a time. It'll take more than one session to do, and each session will severely lower happiness (with one specific exception), but if you can complete the domination before they hit zero happiness, then they'll become perfectly cowed and subservient employees (and you'll take a hit on your morality score). And that's not all: like fetishes, domination has three levels, with each level fixing the happiness score of the girl at a higher level (and giving her more accoutrements, like a collar at level 1, or a property tattoo at level 3). However, dominated girls cannot reach the highest happiness level (90-100), so you're usually better off not dominating them if you can help it. Unless you're into that.



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