More Nun Brothels!

Getting ready to stream. Should be up in a couple of minutes.

It's done.

So, how does the convent brothel work? Well, it's easy. And complicated. But complicated things can be easy. This isn't. What was I talking about again?

After you successfully sex up all the nuns, the next time you go to the convent, they'll beg you to take over as Mother Superior of the convent, kicking out the old biddy that's already there. If you decline, they are essentially forced to admit that they've broken their celibacy, they're kicked out, and the convent is closed (you monster). If you accept, then you do just that: you kick out the mother superior, take over the convent (as your new full-time job), and, to make money, put the girls to work.

There are three ways you can run the brothel (I call them paths): you can run it as a convent that ministers to people with sex (Religious), you can run it for the sake of making money (Profit), or you can run it to convince people that sex is the point, and they should give you everything to help you spread the word (Cult).

The day-to-day running of the brothel is pretty easy. You head to work and end up in your office. In your office are three objects: the Ledger, the Model and the Board. The Ledger is what you use to run day-to-day activities: you can train girls, get them to help you work off your arousal, work the accounting books, and some other stuff. The Board lets you keep track of the girls' current states, including appearance and skills (which is important, since they won't generally be available to view normally anymore). The Model is where you decide how to change the convent.

Each day you work, you get Job Performance points, but unlike other careers, you can't get promoted: there's no higher position, after all. So the Job Performance points instead are used to rebuild the convent, representing the saved up cash from operations. Do you want to change the decorations? Maybe get some new clothes for the girls? You need to have sufficient JP to do so. Each upgrade has three potential variants, which have different benefits and drawbacks, and also correspond to the three paths mentioned before.

While you're running the convent, you have choices to make. A sex shop is illegal, so you'll be in danger of the police shutting you down if they find out about your operation. The more your convent looks like, well, a convent, the longer it will take for the police to get the evidence they need. The more it looks like a crazy sex cult, the less time it will take. But you can bribe the police to leave you alone, which will personally cost you money. In addition, running a brothel out of a convent is difficult because people aren't quite expecting it, so at the beginning you'll take home very little personal pay. But as you improve the brothel and fund shadowy "advertising", your profitability will increase to the point that you can take home up to $500 a day. But more exposure means more police interest...

So that's the brothel in a nutshell: a consistent, persistent location where you call the shots, and can change things over time to increase profit and decrease visibility with the cops, where you can decide if you want your girls to act like nuns that have sex, or shuck the habit and put on some thigh-high leather boots. Where you can run it as your own private harem, or teach the girls how to treat their customers just right.

...and that's what I was streaming today!


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