Stream Time

Note to self: do not decide to organize your music. It takes forever.

Today, I want to finish the Robot Upgrades system, which, now that I know what I'm doing, shouldn't actually take that long.

Today I did not finish the Robot Upgrades system, but I did get way more than halfway through it. So I should be able to finish it in the very near future, possibly this weekend if I find the time.

I do have a bit of a quandary, though, in that there are two upgrade locations with only two special upgrades, the lower torso, and the head. The way the system works, you can have two special upgrades active at any time, so only having two upgrades for those locations makes things a bit...odd, since you don't have to make choices. So if anyone has an idea for upgrades that could go in those locations, let me know in the stream.

And before anyone suggests it, no, no artificial wombs for robots. They cannot have children, period (PUN!).

Got that all sorted out.


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