Suppose the following...

Need to ask a question of you all.

One of the biggest (and ongoing) complaints about the game is the sheer number of actions that need to be repeated, every day. I've been planning to streamline some of it, like the showering and makeup, in the next update. But I just plotted out a way to streamline clothing, so that you can set up to five different outfits (casual, work, exercise, extra 1 and extra 2) and switch between them with one click. The problem is that it'll take a while to implement, so if I want to do it for the next update, I'll need to drop something from the current update, which will likely be the import/export feature update.

So the question is, should I do that? Would you prefer that I work on import/export, or streamline the clothing system? Let me know in the comments.

Edit: In other news, there won't be a stream tonight for real life personal reasons. I'm still working on the game, though, rest assured.

Edit 2: Added a poll to better gauge response. It's on the right.


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