Stream OVER!

Been having trouble sleeping at night, so getting up when I intend to is a little difficult. But I'm only about half an hour behind my usual Thursday start-up time.

Working today on more business career stuff until it's done or I can't handle it anymore, and then working on the skill cap, which is not a hat that increases your skill, but rather a limit on how many skill points you can gain in a month, to discourage grinding.

Got quite a bit of stuff done today: the Office Girl job is done, and the Personal Secretary is 33% done, so not bad at all. I was also pointed to a bug that I fixed, but I don't remember what it was.

Now, I am off, to clean the dishes and the laundry, then do schoolwork, then pass out on the couch because damn, I'm tired. Also cold. Did I ever mention that New England weather is really weird? It was 70 degrees on Monday, and today it's about 60. In between? Fucking 40. Figure that out.

As always, I'll be working over the weekend on the game. Hopefully the next update isn't all that far away.


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