Stream Over

Today I'll be working on the far too neglected Business career. Hope to get at least one new promotion out of it.

The promotions for the Personal Secretary and Office Girl have been added, and I started the Office Girl job.

I've decided to change some things. For one, I'm not going to release a new update every time I finish working on something, so don't expect a new version tonight. Instead, I'm going to wait until there's actually something worth playing with, as opposed to a version that just an incremental update. It means that updates will be fewer and farther between, but by setting goals for myself, where I need to have X done before I can get the next update out, it gives people more time to play with the version that's currently available, and also means that when a new version is released, there's a significant amount of new stuff, as opposed to one thing.

I've added a "Goal Tracker" on the right for the next update, showing what I need to have done before I can release another version. It's pretty simple, but it give you an idea of what to look forward to. What I'm thinking right now is that I'll set up a poll for each update to the Goal Tracker, so that people can vote on one or two things for each update (chosen by me, but voted on by you). Preferably with donations, but I haven't decided yet.

I've also redone the Requested Features page, adding the new things that have been requested via donations, and also separating the list into complete and incomplete requests. It'll make it much easier to see what to come and what's been done.

I'm going to make some other changes, to get the game on a better update schedule and keep me more focused so I'm not bouncing around everywhere. We'll see if it works.


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