No Stream

There's no stream tonight. Yes, it's Mass Effect 3. This will be the only normal stream time that I'm taking off for it, though.

In the meantime, I've been working on the game off-stream. I've sketched out plans for a more robust health system, so that when you health is low or high, things happen (very low health will keep you in the apartment for at least a day, for example). Also a sick day and vacation day system for jobs, as well as consequences for missing too many days of work (including getting fired).

And finally, I've started drawing up a goal system, so that at the beginning of the game, you get to choose a goal to aim for (be successful, be womanly, be manly, get revenge, be angry, etc), and then every month, in addition to the broad goal, you get specific "objectives" to aim for. The only thing I haven't figured out is the reward/penalty system. Hell, maybe I won't have one, who knows (but I probably will).

So...apologies for not streaming tonight, but I am still working. Just not, you know, tonight.


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