Donation Questions

So, for the last month or so, donations have been...well, kind of wonky.

No, this isn't going to be that kind of post.

I've been trying to figure out if there's a reason why donations have been off. Is it the slow pace of development, or do people just not have requests? Or is money tight this time of year?

I used to have a policy of, if I didn't make donations for a given week, the following week would not have any game releases. I stopped doing that because a) it was kind of malicious, and b) I like it when people play my game and give me feedback. I would much rather encourage donations through positive reinforcement instead of negative reinforcement, which is why I stopped doing that (and no, I'm not going to start doing it again, no worries).

So I guess the question here is, what can I do to encourage donations? I know the last couple of weeks have been weird, what with being sick and Mass Effect 3 getting in the way, but I do like to know that I'm responding to the requests of the community. So if there's something I'm doing wrong, please let me know. If you have a better idea for donations, leave a comment.


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