Business Jobs Complete/Poll

Finished Office Girl and Personal Secretary yesterday, so they're done with. Hooray. Now it's time to work on Skill Caps. That might take a while, but there's no actual writing to do, so it's just mechanics, which don't take nearly as long.

And then I asked you folks which of the four things on the request list I should work on in the next update (after this one) and the Maid side job won with a pretty decisive 48%. I believe that is what the people call a mandate. I already planned out the basics of how the job will work, so it shouldn't be too bad. I'll get into specifics when I get to that update. It's not the only thing I'll be working on at that point - I'm going to try to do at least 4 things every update - but it'll probably be the biggest, and it'll let me get a couple of things off the request list, which is always a good time.

For each update, what I'm going to try to do is have at least two job updates, one story update, one mechanic change (if there's one that's needed), and one request update. Unless the request update is small, in which case it'll be two request updates. But I figure, four relatively major new things added to the game is a good update.


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