Update 1/17

Starting feeling unwell. Had to stop.

Major Updates
- Sisters Sophia and Marie now have unique dialogue options. The other nuns will as well, but as I said above, I started feeling ill, so I couldn't finish. Sophie is 90% done, but her sex scenes aren't unique yet.

Minor Updates
- Removed the Weight Loss Powder. People simply were not getting that it doesn't actually work (like weight loss powders in real life!). Weight Gain Powder is still available though.
- Disabled the Pray option temporarily from the church pew. Apparently, some people don't like the religious implications. I will be adding it back later after I rework it some.

Bug Fixes
- Altered the Get Dressed command at the strip club. It will only put on articles of clothing that are in your locker, now.
- Robot transformation wasn't progressing past the first stage. Problem was improperly nested if/then trees. Fixed it.
- Player wasn't getting the option of using a condom during sex, and wasn't having their period. Fixed.
- Some of the lines for Inhuman traits were showing twice. Fixed.


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