More Plans

I got an idea for another game (possibly non-adult) a couple of days ago, and now I want to finish Cursed so that I can work on it.

With that in mind, the only things I'm going to be working on are systems that are not completed implemented, the story, and requests. So no more running around adding weather. An objective analysis of the game tells me that I've pretty much got most of the extraneous stuff added already anyway, so it's not like I'm giving up.

I may do a stream late tonight. Not sure yet.

Also, a week of thinking about it has come and gone, and as a result, I'm removing the restriction on anal sex. My wife has a point. But I'm not going to write it. So if you think you've got what it takes to write those scenes, contact me (contact info on the right), and we'll see what happens.

Edit: There appears to have been some miscommunication here. I'm not stopping the development of Cursed any time soon. I fully intend to get the game to a 1.0, finished state. I'm just going to be more focused on doing that than adding new stuff for now. Request stuff is still viable, but right now, I want to spend some time actually finishing systems that are half-implemented, systems that are vital to the game, and basically getting the game to be more game-like. It will still take months to finish the game, which is what I intend to spend doing so. When I'm done, however, I'll be able to start working on my new game idea almost immediately.


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