Dang it

The build broke.

I wish there was more to it than that, like "Hey guys, I decided to include all this cool shit for the next update and it only took me an hour whooooo~!" but sadly, that's not what happened. What happened is the build broke.

It's not as bad as last time, where I had to rebuild most of the item groups from scratch, but for some reason, the game is returning errors immediately after the Britney mission, which means that I can't test the actual completion of it, when Maria shows up. There's no reason for it to be returning errors that I can see, and all my attempts to fix it have just frustrated the crap out of me.

I'm working on getting it fixed, and will release the new build as soon as it's ready, but given the fact that I don't know what's wrong yet, I don't know when that will be. Hopefully soon.


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