Look, an update! Major Updates - Britney's first interaction has been added to the second mission (note: the second mission has TWO possibilities, depending on whether or not you managed to successfully seduce the blonde girl in the intro. If you skip the intro, you DO NOT get credit for seducing her) Currently, I'm working on the "blonde girl" leg of the second mission, so if you don't meet the conditions (if you get the mission to kidnap someone), then you won't meet Britney. Also of note: Britney is currently planned to be "relationship lite", so when she's done, you'll be able to see some of the features that will be in the relationship system (not yet though). Minor Updates - Shuffled some stuff around behind the scenes to streamline a couple of things. Bug Fixes - Styles now properly apply when you leave the house without shoes on: the game will put the shoes on first, and then check for style requirements. Donations have been slackin...
This is the bug fix update. Didn't have a lot of time to add new features, but this is also a major feature update, since the lab is actually reachable now. Swear to god. Cross my heart. Major Updates - Tested the activation of the "Go To The Lab" command, and it shows up, finally. And it does something too. Minor Updates - A couple of minor UI tweaks, nothing terribly major. - Made the box of tampons work like the box of condoms (i.e. you can buy them repeatedly, in batches of ten). Bug Fixes - You cannot drink the bottle of milk in public anymore. - Did some adjustments to footwear to hopefully squash the random non-natural charisma bonuses and penalties becoming permanent. - The guitar and computer now check to see the time of day, and prevent use if it's too late. - Maria will not show up fourteen days after the day she offers you the first "mission" if you turned her down. - After reading the note and getting the information about being able to contact ...
Spoke with some of the folks from WGF and they said that they had quite a few backers come say hello... Makes me very sad I could not attend. I would have loved to meet the folks that made this possible. Here is a shot for Gencon Next year come hell or high water, I will be there.
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