Bug List

So it turns out that, at some point in the last 4 months, RAGS decided to disable all the item groups I had created, which is bad because a lot of loops in the game rely on those item groups actually working. Which is frustrating because it means I need to rebuild all those item groups (and there's a fair amount).

That, however, is why the tailor and the bookshelf, at least, are not working.

Here's the list of currently reported bugs and the issues with fixing them. I'll update this as bugs are fixed. For the record, I will not be able to do massive bug fixes until Tuesday night or so. 

1) Tailor and bookshelf "clean-up" actions are not working (problem with item groups getting broken). Note: This also breaks shoes.

2) Going naked to various locations works...but doesn't do anything (forgot to link the actual reactions, but warning, when this is fixed, you'll get kicked out of a lot of places).

3) Futa balls don't seem to be growing (this is an entirely different issue: if femininity is less than 50 and you have balls, you're supposed to have them shrink and then disappear. Drinking the powder drink again will boost that threshold to 75 and to 100 [always]. But the problem right now is that balls aren't disappearing when they should).

4) Going naked to the strip club traps you there (hooray, forgot about that check, derp).

5) Going to the convent gives a nice error about something not being processed correctly (Sister So[i]ph[/i]ia was accidentally deleted, and when I recreated her, I didn't realize I'd changed her name to Sister So[i]f[/i]ia, which causes all kinds of problems).

6) Phone no longer allows you to call out sick or take a vacation (I...don't even know).

7) You appear to maybe get stuck in the office at the convent-brothel? (Have to look into this, I might know why, but I'm not sure of the exact cause)

8) The model in the brothel doesn't seem to activate correctly. (Probably the same issue as number 7)

9) Crime doesn't seem to actually work (fun fact, partial nudity - like underwear - will never get you arrested, while full nudity will still take 25 days minimum).

10) You can go out nude regards of inhibition level (should requite either exhibition [for underwear], nudity [for nudity], or inhibition lower than 60).

11) Apparently, you can lose the option to have partners wear condoms (sounds like a variable problem).

12) Dragons can't view their unique traits (easy fix).

13) Dragons really should be able to call out sick if they're going to spend the whole day laying eggs (again, easy fix. Just for the record, the way this will work is, on a day when you're going to be laying eggs, at the beginning of it, you'll get the option to waddle to the living room to call out sick. If you have a sick day, you're fine, but if you don't, it'll be just like calling out sick when you don't have one normally).

14) Nudist trait doesn't seem to be triggering properly (I think I changed how exhibitionism and nudist work, but I honestly can't remember. I'll have to take a look at this to make sure it's working properly).


15) Convent-brothel accounts don't seem to actually be accumulating any money (I am 90% sure I know what caused this).

16) You can work multiple times a day in the brothel, which is actually a terrible idea (I made a note to myself that I would have to include the "is it the end of the day" checks before the release...and then never did that! Actually an easy fix).

17) Choices that were made in the prologue (with the three girls) seem to get deleted for no apparent reason (this is actually kind of bad, since it does play into events when you meet those girls again).

18) Inhuman transformation stuff doesn't actually get cleared with the clear draught from the drug dealer (this is actually an entirely different problem, and may result in me implementing something earlier than I expected to).

19) Eye color still doesn't change during succubus TF (should be red, currently isn't, derp).

20) The "Sleep" option in the jail isn't showing up (I probably just forgot to activate it).

21) Mother Superior isn't leaving the church when she's supposed to be kicked out. What a bitch (probably forgot to move her to the void room).

22) Apply makeup after exercising doesn't properly check if your femininity is high enough to actually allow that (..huh).

23) The "leave by time" announcement for the brothel job is not showing the right time (Derp).

24) Bribing nuns does not correctly reactivate the exit and other actions (Herpaderp).

25) Style checks may not be working properly (this is likely due to loops and item groups).


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