What's the deal?

At this point, everyone (even me) is wonder what the bloody hell is taking so long with this update, so I figured I'd give you a brief heads-up on where things stand.

Crime and punishment is done for now. There will eventually be the option to seduce your guard and either sex him up or knock him out and escape, which would be bad for your criminal record. However, everything that's possible to get arrested for is implemented, and the time in jail can be spent somewhat productively (but it's still a massive waste of time because it is a punishment).

Futa Balls is actually mostly done...except that when I was looking at the code, I realized I forgot to add the actual "growth" part of it. So that shouldn't take long, but it's still something that needs to be done.

The busker job is 90% finished: you can get a busker license and go out with your guitar (or just your voice) and make some additional money based on where you choose to sing, what you wear, and your actual music skill. There will be more to it later (band!), but the busker part is mostly done.

The church...oh lord, the church (ha! pun!). There is a shitload of set up that's gone into the church, but the actual set up is done and now it's just a matter of content. Here's the list of things that need to be completed, and whether or not they've been completed:
- Girls can be trained in various skills (sex, ministry, conviction, fetishes) - In progress
- The player can work a normal day (in which nothing spectacular happens yet, unless one of the girls is angry at you) = In progress
- The brothel can be shut down if the player lets the police gather too much evidence
- The brothel can be upgraded with various improvements, such as lighting and decorations = complete
- Girls can be dominated, breaking their will and effectively making them "happy" and unable to get upset
- Girls can become pregnant

So there's actually quite a bit that's been finished, but there's still more to do. The brothel will effectively be "done enough" when the next update goes live, in that there will still be some additional things that I have planned for it (like buying and upgrading the church), but in the interests of time, I'm going to leave some stuff out.


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