Weekend Nonsense

Just a quick post to let people know a few things.

Known Bugs and Issues
- There is a problem that causes RAGS to throw an error regarding CT_VARIABLE. Most likely I missed a variable call somewhere when decoupling fitness from weight.
- The new player description refers to eye color as brown, even when your eyes can be different colors due to transformation.
- When loading a save from version 9/29 to 9/30, weight goes from whatever to obese. This is because of the changes made to the fitness system: you can be fit but fat. If your fitness in 9/29 was 100, your weight in 9/30 is still 0, because you haven't used that variable before.
- Gaining weight (rather, going lower on the weight scale) is a little too fast. Need to tweak it.
- Couple of bugs regarding the succubus transformation, namely minimum arousal and lowering inhibitions.

Also, please note that, while I understand that bugs are frustrating and annoying, keep your language clean in the comments. Unnecessary use of curse words just annoys me, makes me disregard your comments, and usually ends with me deleting your comments. Keep it clean and constructive.


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