Update 10/14

Writing sex scenes gets repetitive, man...

Major Updates
- More interactions in the Hooker job (sex! group sex!).

Minor Updates
- When doing any home exercise action that makes you sweat, as long as you don't have the slob trait, you will automatically move the bathroom and shower.
- Going jogging will no longer change your Last Footwear to sneakers.

Bug Fixes
- Waitress job should be working again (I tweaked it without testing to see if it was broken, but it worked for me, so...)
- Swimsuits are now properly removed when you come home from the beach.
- Suntan lotion is properly considered when you're tanning.
- Jogging using up time as intended.

If, while you're playing as a hooker, you're not satisfied with the sex scenes that I skipped (can only write so many!), then do the following:
1) Write a replacement sex scene.
2) Write an email to anonymousmangames AT gmail DOT com
3) Paste that sex scene in there.
4) Get angry/happy when I reject/accept it and put it in the game.


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