New computer! But not...

So I got my computer parts today, put them together, and the system turns on, which is always a nice thing.

Just one problem: the new motherboard I got doesn't have a Parallel ATA connector, which isn't that big a deal. My old C: drive is PATA instead of SATA, but I can deal with that by getting a PCI card that adds a PATA port, and install the operating system on my fresh, new 160GB SATA drive.

Just one problem.

My DVD drive is a PATA drive. Which means the system, in BIOS, can't detect the drive, which means I can't install the operating system.

Sigh. Nothing can ever be easy, can it?

It's too late tonight to keep messing with it, but I've already come up with a workaround (mostly involving another computer), so, unless something completely ridiculous happens, which is still a possibility, I should be back to streaming on Monday, and it's about damn time (I'm losing my MIND!).


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