Fucking Hackers

While at my (real life) job today, I suddenly received an email stating that I had successfully purchased a total of 10,000 Xbox points.

Needless to say, this was troubling as a) I was at work, and b) I haven't bought Xbox points in months.

Turns out someone has apparently managed to take control of my Xbox Live account, and used the ill-gotten points to purchase some sports packs for some bullshit EA Sports game. I contacted my bank and Xbox to get the charges reversed, and in both cases, it'll take time. Like, two weeks minimum if I'm lucky, and three to four weeks otherwise.

In the meantime, thanks to overdraft charges (because I tend to keep my personal bank account pretty low), I'm in the red  by two hundred and twenty dollars.

Fucking hackers.

I've updated the donation goal on the left to reflect the fact that I'm kind of desperately in need of cash right now. Because I'm still not a greedy bastard, I'm going to call this the monthly donation goal for October: I'll keep releasing updates for the rest of the month, and hopefully transition back to a weekly donation goal in November. Standard rules for donations apply, however, so you can request an addition to the game with your donation.

And let me just say in advance that I really appreciate any help you guys can give me during this really fucking annoying time.

EDIT: I have contested the charges at my bank, but they also have to run an investigation, which will take two weeks. So either way, I'm screwed.


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