Update 9/29

It's an update! Yay!

Major Updates
- Werewolf TF is now finished, with a bad end if you go to far, and a cure if you don't give in at all. The event to GET the werewolf TF is still random, and therefore difficult to get.
- New item, wolfsbane. Temporarily at the pharmacy until I find a better place for it. It reverses the effects of lycanthropy. It's not fully implemented (you can take it right there in the store and buy more), but I ran out of steam.

Minor Updates
- Changed the way the dildo panties work. They how increase your arousal with every action you take while they're on, as opposed to every time unit update.

Bug Fixes 
- The Skip Intro option now allows you to name your character, rather than giving you an assigned name.
- I know I fixed some other stuff, but I couldn't tell you what.

As always, any bugs, please report, any suggestions, please...suggest, and and process improvements are welcome (usually).


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