Update 9/12

Quite a lot of groundwork laid today, which isn't terribly exciting at times, but it is necessary for the exciting things!

Major Updates
- You can now buy magic spells at the magic shop. All of them can be purchased, but not all of them work yet. The ones that work are the Illusion School spells, the Glowing Lights spell, and the Induce Lust spell.

Minor Updates
- When looking for a date at the bar, your sexuality is now taken into account: lesbians look for women, straights look for men, and bisexuals look for whoever's available.
- New person at the bar (male).
- Smoking is now considered a drug addiction rather than a trait. Each time you smoke will increase the length of your withdrawal by 5 days, and withdrawal is the same effect as before (arousal increase at the beginning of the next day). 

Bug Fixes
- If you hide from the security guard at the lab, he will no longer hang out in lab 2, preferring lab 1 or lab 3 instead.
- Altered some transformation events so that they trigger properly (only once).

Known Bugs
- When you cast an illusion spell, it will last pretty much forever. It's a simple fix, but I've already uploaded the game twice and don't want to do it again.

Also, be sure to check out the Cursed wiki, and special thanks to Spawnah who set it up. Notice something missing? Feel free to add to it! I'll make sure to correct any incorrect information.

Finally, I should have a "Cursed Basics" page on the website in the next couple of days, for people who are new to the game.


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