Update 9/1

Man, it's September? When did that happen?

By the by, updated to RAGS version There's a link to it in the changelog on the right.

Major Additions
- Lab is now accessible. I forgot to activate the command. The only thing that should be missing (intentionally) from the lab is the possibility of dealing with the police. Also, the "Unique Outfit" option for successfully completing Maria's request isn't in, because I don't yet have the outfit planned out.

Minor Updates
- Added a couple few new items. There is now a computer available for purchase, with some software for skill increases, and a guitar. Both end up in the kitchen, because the kitchen needed some love.

Bug Fixes
- Makeup should not decrease your non-natural charisma at the end of the day infinitely anymore. Maybe.
- You should not be able to go to the bar more than once a day anymore.

Reported Problems
- The "Go To The Lab" command doesn't do anything. That's actually much better than it not showing up, because I can fix that. First thing tomorrow.
- After the completion of the first mission, Maria leaves, but the exits are not reactivated, which traps you.
- When playtesting myself, I noticed that, when you get to the "meat" of the game, actions and room transitions seem to take forever. I'm unsure if it's just my computer, because I was running in debug mode, or if the game itself is straining. Please let me know if you notice significant (greater than 1 second) delays after any action. I'll have to optimize (again) if it is a problem.


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