Time Out

So, since posting the beta for Trials on Monday, I've been taking it easy. Bug fixes were significantly less problematic than I'd anticipated, which is actually kind of impressive considering I hadn't done any testing at all, but that's what I've spent the last few days doing. That and recharging my creative batteries, so to speak.

But the plan is to make sure that the beta I released is as close to bug-free as can be expected, and then get back to work. When I released the last beta for TTF, I kept working on the game even while doing bug-fixes and learned that it's a huge mistake to do so. The problem is that, when you have two versions of the game (the beta release and the work-in-progress), you have to fix all the bugs twice. And when bugs are complicated and annoying, the last thing I want to do is fix them twice. I don't even really want to fix them the first time if I'm honest.

In other news, Daisy_Strike gave my game a recommendation on her(his?) blog! Sweet, and thanks!


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