
I do actually enjoy talking about my games, even when I'm notoriously tight-lipped about the details. The mechanics are secret for a reason. The creation process really shouldn't be.

So, in that spirit (and because a bandwagon of developers with blogs came by and I jumped on to it), here's my blog. It will hopefully be informative and helpful to people in regards to my game creations, and helpful to me as a method of keeping on track.

The game I'm working on right now is The Trials of Taihra-Firanae, which was created for the TFGamesSite winter 2011 contest. It's not quite done yet, but there is a version up at the site. Once that's done, it's back to the magnum opus Cursed (which I am considering renaming to Changes, but I haven't made that decision yet). And then, any other games that pop into my head will likely end up here as well.

Feel free to leave comments, which I will be likely to respond to, and enjoy your stay.


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